I think I will post on my struggles in this area and how I am trying to apply Proverbs to my life as a parent.
I am writing this blog series to confess and renounce my sins and hopefully start a new pattern as a parent for my children.
Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over a helpless people. ~ Proverbs 28:15
Anyone who is not close to me probably thinks I don't get angry much, and I guess I have pridefully wanted people to think I am a gentle and slow-to-anger person. Actually most of the time I don't get angry, except with the people I am closest to. This breaks my heart as I see my sin of anger through the lens of Scripture (which oh so lovingly kicks my butt).
Too often, I allow my anger to direct my responses to my children. A few weeks ago I wrote down some of the things that seem to trigger my anger in this area. Here was my list:
- whining
- kids ignoring instructions
- repetitive disobedience ("potty" words, climbing on the couch)
- bullying/fighting
Any other moms have triggers like these? (I have three boys, ages 4, 2, and 8 weeks - maybe I should go ahead and add "sleep deprivation" as a trigger!)
I realize that I am a relatively new parent but I definitely have a long way to go with patience. I also know by this time that my own efforts are USELESS in controlling my temper. I hate myself for yelling or snapping at my kids, and then I do it again. I get angry when I am ignored and tell myself "they only listen when I yell!" But yelling only makes my words impossible to hear. Who listens to a charging bear or roaring lion? You just try to get out of its way!
I confess this here (and have confessed to other friends and family also) so that I can hold myself accountable to discipline my children out of love.
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