Monday, November 26, 2012

A random MEDIA thankful list!

Some media things I'm thankful for right now (since a lot of the time TV & technology drive me crazy!):

Looney Tunes & Cartoon Network. Those are the best cartoons ever! I love the music especially. There is so little good TV out there - I'm glad my kids can still watch this stuff!

This YouTube baby gorilla video. It makes Aiden laugh - and that is the best!

Free phone/iPad/Kindle Apps for kids. This is the best one I have - it has "Kid Mode" so they don't accidentally buy or destroy things! And it has tons of games, videos and activities for kids according to their ages. Both Gavin and Aiden like it. If you have any you'd recommend, please send them my way!

And yes, I'm thankful for my Facebook friends...there's a lot to dislike about Facebook, particularly when I'm in a cynical mood. But I'm thankful for my friends & family who are real, honest, and encouraging. I have had friends who are much braver than me post uplifting and inspirational things about the ugly, painful or just plain drudgery moments of life...THANKS to all of you. Something you say might just stick with someone for the rest of their life and make a positive difference multiple times a day.

And next, of course, Pinterest. (Click here to follow my boards!) I love seeing people's creativity and learning new things on this site, like how to clean, organize, cook and decorate better (all things that DO NOT come naturally to me!)  If you have a Pinterest page...I'd love to see it! This has seriously just about replaced Google for me! I have to be careful to not get too envious of all the amazing things I see, but if I notice that happening, it's usually just time to turn it off and do something unplugged for a while....

.....Which leads me to the BEST thing about media - YOU CAN TURN IT OFF!

Any media things YOU are thankful for? I'd love to hear! 

1 comment:

James Dennard said...

Unplugging is one of my favorite things about media, too. I couldn't get into Pinterest, but use Twitter and Facebook some. Since my main email account is gmail, I decided to set up a Google+ page even though I don't use it much.

I love your blog title, by the way :) Back to media, I enjoy looking up videos by musicians I enjoy. Reading blogs like yours is fun and gives ideas for posts on my own blog. That's what comes to mind for me right now.